Saturday, January 29, 2011

Christmas in Missouri

(Maranda in her new Dora pj's and slippers from her Auntie Jayme)

(Maranda in her new outfit from her Auntie Jayme, so cute!)

(Chillin in her new ride!)

(Getting ready to eat! I'm always ready!)

(Emily with her new New Moon, Jacob blanket!)
(I still think Edward is better looking! ;) lol)
(Auntie Jayme helping Maranda open gifts)

(Checking out her new Dora shoes)

(Maranda didn't know what to think about all of her gifts)

(Maranda messing with the fake snow)

Went up to Republic to have Christmas early with Jared's family! It's always nice visiting them all! Wish we had his family closer to us, so we could celebrate holidays all of the time! But, we had a great time! Here are a few pictures......

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